Language Study

College Language Exams & Certificates

The Slavic Department administers several language exams. Placement exams are available in Russian, Czech, Polish and Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian. Up to three years of college credit may be awarded for demonstrated knowledge. These exams are generally administered during Orientation Week before the Autumn Quarter begins.

Competency exams in all Slavic languages allow students to satisfy the college language requirement. These exams are generally offered as part of the final exam for the first-year language courses. Students who are not taking these courses, but who would like to take the exam to satisfy the College's language competency requirement, should contact the language coordinator Erik Houle for scheduling information.

Advanced Proficiency Certificates are available in Slavic languages for students who have

  1. Completed the equivalent of three years of Russian or two years of Czech, Polish or Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian;
  2. Spent eight or more weeks in the country of interest;
  3. Successfully passed an examination in advanced language skills.
  4. For further information regarding any of these exams and certificates contact the language coordinator.